Current temperature 24hr Average Today's maximum  Today's minimum
00:00 hours of frost today 12:14 AM 12:00 AM
Apparent temperature  Solar temperature Today's Hi Heat Index  Today's Lo wind chill
It feels like 2.3°C In the sunlight 2.3°C Warmest its felt: 1.4 °C Coldest its felt: 3.7 °C
12:14 AM 12:00 AM
Current Rain Rate Today's total Highest rain rate today Last rain event
0.00 mm/hour 0.0 mm 0.0 mm/hour 4 days ago
Rained for 0 minutes 100.2 mm so far this month 00:00 AM 6314 minutes ago on the 4/21/2024
Current Sunshine level Current Solar power Sunshine recorded today Available daylight
0 % 0 w/m² 00:00 (hours:mins) 12:07 (hours:mins)
Nighttime, --- max of 0 w/m² at 12:00 AM Generating 0.0kwh of power. Sunrise 6:54 am, Sunset 7:01 pm
Current wind speed/direction Highest gust in the last hour Todays highest gust Todays windrun
0 mph from the ESE 3.0 mph ESE at 11:53 PM 3.5 mph from the ESE 0.52 miles
Calm Light Air 12:12 AM East southeasterly 112°
Current barometric pressure Today's high & low Current Humidity Today's hi & lo humidity
1006.3 mb 1006.4 mb at 12:00 AM
68% 68% at 12:44 AM
Steady -0.2mb/hr 1006.3 mb at 12:23 AM Dew point of -1.6°C 66% at 12:00 AM
Current UV level Today's maximum UV Live Fire weather index (FWI) Drought code
Low at Level 0.0 Level 0.0 Level 6.8 Low-Moderate Level 50.5
Normal skin burn time: 720 minutes at 12:00 AM FWI less than 10 poses little risk DC value over 150 is near drought.
Current snow depth 0 snow days this month Current cloud base & cloud temp Freezing level is 1888.9 feet asl
0 cm Total snowfall this month: 0 cm 2212 feet and -2.8°C Snow line estimated at 640 ft asl
0.0 cm has fallen today Total snowfall this season: 0 cm If dewpoint & cloudtemp are below zero it will snow. Wishaw is ~ 350 feet above sea level (asl)

The current weather index is:

Weather index under 50 - Boring

Weather index between 50 - 75 : Unremarkable

Weather index between 75 - 100 : A bit lack lustre

Weather index between 100 - 125 : Normal for the time of year

Weather index between 125 - 175 : Slightly more interesting than the norm

Weather index between 175 - 250 : Interesting and notable

Weather index between 250 - 350 : Very interesting and remarkable

Weather index greater than 350 : Rare and extreme

If it stays dry - it will currently take:

Minutes for washing on a line to dry (day or night, frost or not)

Are solar panels worth it? The power generated in KWh is roughly equivalent to how much in pounds (£) having EIGHT solar panels would save you in electricity costs. Today you would have saved £0.0kwh, £0.0kwh so far for the month and £0.0kwh for the current year so far. Provided you have a south facing roof!

Current temperature, daily max/min

Recent UK earthquakes

This page is updated every minute of the day

Plethora of temperatures

°C °F Value Description
38.8°F Air temperature  The standard temperature of the air at 120cm above ground level as measured in a well ventilated, shaded screen. Also known as the dry bulb temperature.
34.2°F Ground temperature The temperature as measured on a grass surface on the ground in the shade.    Also known as the grass temperature
N/A (5cm) Soil temperature  The temperature of the soil at various depths below ground level, recorded by a probe. (At 5cm below ground in this case)
N/A (10cm) Soil temperature  The temperature of the soil at various depths below ground level, recorded by a probe. (At 10cm below ground in this case)
N/A (30cm) Soil temperature  The temperature of the soil at various depths below ground level, recorded by a probe. (At 30cm below ground in this case)
1.8°C N/A Wet bulb temperature The temperature recorded at 120cm above ground level as measured in a well ventilated, shaded screen and using a thermometer covered in water-soaked cloth.
-1.6°C 29.1°F Dew point  The calculated temperature of water molecules in the air, derived from the difference between Air temperature (dry bulb) and wet bulb temperature. And by which the relative humidty is also calculated.
3.8°C N/A Windchill A calculated temperature, using air temperature and average wind speed, to express the discomfort experienced by humans in exposed, adverse weather conditions.
3.8°C N/A Heat Index A calculated temperature, using air temperature and humiidty values to express the discomfort experienced by humans in warm and humid conditions.
34.2°F Humidex Similar to heat index and windchill, but more exaggerated. One might think of it as the temperature experienced by a person with thin skin such as a baby or a frail, elderly person
36.1°F Apparent temperature  A calculated temperature using a combination of windchill and heat index. (Air temperature, wind speed and humidity)
36.1°F Apparent solar temperature The apparent temperature out of the shade, IE fully exposed to current sunlight levels. With no other factors considered.
N/A THSW index   A calculated temperature combining apparent temperature and solar temperature (Temperature, Humidity, Sun, Wind - abbreviated to THSW)

0.0 0.0

0.0 2.9

410 640

Dry . Dry . Dry . Dry . Dry

Today's grass minimum = 1.1

Batt 4.4 . ISS batt Ok . Signal 98%